The United States keeps on having a discourse with Pakistan on issues identified with psychological warfare along the line with Afghanistan, the Pentagon has said. 

"We keep on having a discourse with Pakistan about fear based oppressor issues along that line with Afghanistan. I believe it's useful to remind that they also have experienced psychological oppressor assaults inside their country," Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby told columnists at a news gathering here. 

Reacting to an inquiry, Kirby said President Joe Biden is sure about withdrawal of American soldiers from Afghanistan by September 22. 

"The president was clear. We are eliminating US powers from Afghanistan and will keep up the adequate counter psychological warfare capacities we need to distinguish and forestall dangers to our country that could exude from Afghanistan," Kirby said. 

When the US leaves Afghanistan, he said, they anticipate that the sovereignty of Afghanistan should be regarded. 

He was reacting to an inquiry on reports that Beijing is thinking about sending a peacekeeping power to Afghanistan once the US pulls out, which will be conveyed at the adjoining territory it has with Afghanistan across that 44-mile line. 

"We surely wouldn't represent another country and clearly, we would approach the entirety of Afghanistan's neighbors to regard its power and to regard its region honesty also," he said. 

"On the off chance that there's a genuine psychological oppression danger that is radiating from Afghanistan to work as per worldwide law and with the Afghan government to address that, however we need Afghanistan's power to be regarded," he affirmed. 

The US, he said, is eliminating all military staff from Afghanistan. 

"We will eliminate them by early September. Every one of them except for what will be needed to ensure the discretionary mission in Afghanistan," he said. 

"So I am aware of no conversations with government in Kabul about reinserting counterterrorism powers inside Afghanistan. As the (Defense) Secretary clarified in Brussels a week ago, we will keep an adequate counterterrorism capacity in the locale to manage exuding dangers from Afghanistan, dangers to our country from fear based oppressor gatherings, however the president's bearing was perfectly clear." 

"All US military staff with that special case will be leaving Afghanistan by the late-summer," he said. 

Kirby demanded that there's no designs to once again introduce American boots on the ground in Afghanistan. 

"We have vigorous counterterrorism abilities from one side of the planet to the other, and I think as he additionally - you heard him say in Brussels there's not a piece of the Earth that we can't hit on the off chance that we need to hit it, however there are no plans and no conversations about once again introducing American battle powers on the ground in Afghanistan," he said.


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